Open vSwitch


Open vSwitch OF1.0 OF1.1 OF1.2 OF1.3 OF1.4 OF1.5
1.9 and earlier yes - - - - -
1.10 yes - [ * ] [ * ] - -
1.11 yes - [ * ] [ * ] - -
2.0 yes [ * ] [ * ] [ * ] - -
2.1 yes [ * ] [ * ] [ * ] - -
2.2 yes [ * ] [ * ] [ * ] [ % ] [ * ]
2.3 yes yes yes yes [ * ] [ * ]

[ * ] Supported, with one or more missing features.
[ % ] Experimental, unsafe implementation.


  1. 輸入opkg update更新安裝清單

  2. 輸入opkg install openvswitch安裝Open vSwitch

  3. 輸入ps w | grep ovs,如果有看到執行中的ovsdb-serverovs-vswitchd就代表安裝成功

  4. 輸入ovs-vswitchd -V可以檢查Open vSwitch的版本

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